
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Make Money Completing Online Surveys - It's free, fun and Easy

Guess what? You can put some extra cash in your pocket by completing online surveys! It's a free, fun and an easy way to pay for a tank of gas or two per month, all for just giving your opinion. If you do even a small amount of Internet surfing, you will likely find banner ads or affiliate links to survey sites claiming you could make money, up to several hundred dollars an hour.

The fact of the matter is that the hundred-plus figure quoted in many advertisements about online surveys is a farce. That's right. Most of those claims are a bunch of hooey and are a way to entice those people desperate for a work at home job to shell out hard earned cash. Wait a second! that sounds like you are paying for the privilege of taking a survey, doesn't it? The catch to earning that mythical hundred-plus dollar figure for a survey is that you must pay a membership fee in order to have access to a database of these survey companies.

People led by their desire to make money from home fall for this scam every day. What these scammers do not tell you about completing online surveys is that they do not send the surveys to you. Rather, in order to start making money, you have to apply to as many survey companies in their database as possible in the hopes that you might qualify to participate in some of them. Another thing that these survey database scammers don't do is update the databases. Sometimes you are paying for outdated information.

Now that you have an idea about the scammers and how they operate, you should know that there are a lot of legitimate companies out there that offer you a way to make money completing online surveys. And yes, there are those rare instances where that mythical hundred dollar plus dollar figure is real. However, those opportunities are few and far between. The reality of completing these surveys is that you can expect the average payout to be anywhere from one dollar to twenty dollars each.

In order to find these genuine opportunities and have some fun making a few bucks, all you have to do is conduct an Internet search using one of the search engines. Your search will yield thousands of possible hits. In order to know whether an online survey company is legit, read through their website. If they do not ask for money, then that is a major step in the legitimacy department.

How Online Surveys Basically Work

Have you ever wondered why the opportunity to make money completing online surveys is such a popular trend these days? From your standpoint, the reason could be because of rising gas prices or the cost of living going up. It could be because of salaries not quite catching up with the market, thus necessitating the need for supplemental income. There are a host of reasons why the online survey trend is hot right now.

From a company view, having consumers completing surveys online saves millions of advertising dollars. By finding out what the consumers like and dislike, a company knows where to focus its advertising budget. They can save a ton of money by hiring a market research company to do all the dirty work in determining how receptive the public might be to a new product line or understand the perspective of the consumer on certain topics or events.

To make money with these surveys, the key is to sign up for as many market research and survey companies as possible. Each of them will have you fill out a questionnaire with some basic information like where you live, how old you are, how many children are in the household and even your level of education. Other parts of the questionnaire might ask your religious or ethnic background. Your habits, hobbies and other pertinent demographic information are often asked as well.

It is important to fill out as much information as possible for each survey company you are interested in joining. The reason for providing as much information as possible is because the companies use it to screen their database for potential candidates for surveys. The more information you provide the higher the likelihood that you will receive an email asking you to participate in a survey.

Questions asked on surveys can be just about anything. You might make money by completing a survey about laundry detergent or giving your thoughts on movie trailers or your favorite brand of microwave popcorn. Just think that your opinion could shape the way a company markets a product!

Tips on Making the Most of your Online Survey Experience

There are a few things that might make your online survey experience more enjoyable. First, make it easy on yourself and find a free Internet directory with the hottest listings of survey companies. Why pay for the cost of a membership when you can get the information for free?

Please be aware that most of the legitimate market research companies offering these surveys will not sell your personal information, but still, it does happen. Therefore, you should expect an increased amount of spam in your email box. If you don't want your email in box to be cluttered with junk, create a new email account using one of those free email services. Have all survey correspondence go to that free account.

Carve out a set time each day to check your email and filter through survey invitations. The beauty of it all is that you can pick and choose not only which online surveys to participate in but also the time in which to finish the survey. That means completing an online survey at 1:00 a.m. is possible!

Making a little extra money from online surveys is easy and can be a lot of fun. Just remember, you have the power to pick and choose which surveys to take once they start appearing in your email in box. You are not obligated to complete each one. That is what is so cool about these surveys. You have total control!

Fun Surveys - Get Paid and Have Fun Doing Online Surveys

For many, the idea of the Internet evokes a feeling of something akin to watching men click the remote in search of something interesting to watch. However, surfing the net has given way to a sense of purpose.

Many are finding a fun survey at every turn as they discover the Internet may well be a means of securing additional income while doing something you may truly enjoy.

A fun survey is one that invites you to participate in an arena that you are comfortable with. A fun survey asks questions that correspond with your interests. A fun survey is achieved as you maintain a current profile. Discovering a fun survey helps you realize you can assist in providing finances for your family by doing something you enjoy.

There may be nothing more tedious than filling out a form when you have no interest in the subject or you're just not sure you can relate to the subject matter. That's why, when it comes to a fun survey, the companies you deal with want to make sure that you are on the same page. Then the fun survey you fill out is one that you are interested in and will benefit the company that pays you for the fun survey results.

While others may be surfing a search engine looking for something new to do with their hi tech toys, you can be online taking a fun survey that pays you money, a fun survey that provides valuable merchandise, a fun survey that offers you the chance to win large sums of cash or other valuable prizes, and a fun survey that helps both you and your family financially.

A fun survey should never cost you to participate. There are sites that charge you to gain access to survey companies that not only do not charge you to participate, but often provide generous cash allowances for filling out a fun survey that can be done in a matter of minutes.

Should a website offer to provide details on a fun survey for a monthly fee - keep looking. A site like this one offers one fun survey opportunity after another and it is provided at no cost.

We make it easy to take a fun survey by providing the top 10 fun survey companies along with new fun survey opportunities. We even go so far as to make a free email newsletter available with other fun survey possibilities.

Clients pay dearly for the opinions of others which is what makes a fun survey one that is doubly beneficial. A fun survey will ultimately provide guidance to businesses on how to market their product, a fun survey will help them understand who may be most interested in their product, and a fun survey will most likely provide you with a little extra spending money simply because you match a certain profile and were available to fill out a fun survey.

The Internet has allowed the opportunity for a fun survey to gain momentum. In years past, the process of finding a suitable candidate for a survey was almost impossible to authenticate and was as time consuming as it was expensive. Today, a fun survey is simply a few clicks away.

A survey company will match a candidate with a fun survey and the respondent has the ability to fill out the fun survey because they have proven to be well suited to the need. The fun survey is filled out and sent on its way. The respondent is rewarded for filling out the fun survey and the company commissioning the findings is rewarded with the information that ultimately brings more business to them through the implementation of the trends your fun survey, as well as the surveys of others, describe.

Some fill out a fun survey with no real need for the monetary rewards that may be available. The reason this group of people are interested in filling out a fun survey is because they are most interested in being a part of the process that helps shape the direction of a product or company services. Others fill out a fun survey and provide non-profit organizations with the proceeds as a means of conveying their opinions and helping others at the same time.

Filling out a fun survey requires a small amount of time and can result in the potential of significant return, as well as invitations to participate in a future fun survey.

A fun survey is not meant to be tedious. The reason your profile becomes so important is that when you develop an accurate profile, the survey opportunities that are offered are fun survey opportunities simply because the company has taken your entire profile into consideration and feels you are well suited to participate in their latest fun survey.

Survey companies are looking for people just like you to fill out a fun survey and they are willing to pay for your opinion. Be sure to check out recommendations and companies to avoid, but you will never have to pay for information about a fun survey company at our website.

Like any new process, it may seem a bit strange working through issues related to building a profile for participating in a fun survey, but in the end you have the satisfaction of knowing that your opinion mattered and that a fun survey has the potential of assisting you financially.

When you're ready to take a fun survey be sure to read through all the articles on our site to make sure that you fully understand all the benefits of taking a fun survey.

Paid Survey Scams - What to Avoid when Joining Paid Survey Companies

You will likely never earn a full-time wage when signing on with a paid survey company. However, earning a few bucks here and there can go a long way toward paying for some of the extras in life. In your quest to find a few of these paid survey companies to sign up with, you are likely to run into scams. Do you know how you can spot a scam? Your biggest clue is that the scams will ask you for money.

There are a number of ways that paid survey scams work. First, there is the one-time registration fee for administration purposes scam. The companies that pull these types of scams will sound very sincere and post supposed testimonials from their satisfied customers, all as a way to entice you and scam you out of some money. These places will say that they must unfortunately charge that one time fee as a way to cover the administrative costs such as maintaining their website and keeping their databases up-to-date with the latest information. Plus, these paid survey scam artists will say that it also a way to separate the riff-raff from the people who are truly serious about earning an income from home.

What these companies don't tell you is that all the information in their database that you just paid a registration fee to access is information you can find on your own - for free! They justify that they do all the work for you so that you can access the paid survey information from one place. Another part of these scams is something you don't find out until after you have shelled out the money. More often than not, the biggest scam of all from these jokers is that they have a lot of non-paying survey sites listed in their database. In addition, their information is not always up to date. They could be listing paid survey companies that no longer exist!

Another scam that these companies perpetuate includes selling your personal information to a number of marketing companies. The next thing you know, the number of telemarketing calls to your home increases. You will also likely get more hang-up calls and automated recordings. Your email in box starts filling up with spam. The junk mail factor increases exponentially at your home too. You will start to receive chain letters with all sorts of scams and business opportunities in which you never requested information. The ramifications of all this junk can last for a long time.

Another red flag that can put you on alert are those paid survey companies that claim you can earn a full-time income just filling out surveys and forms online. Any company claiming that is a scam artist. As mentioned before with these scams, it is practically impossible to earn a full-time income. These surveys are based on demographics, which mean that not everyone will qualify for every available survey. Sure, there are a few surveys that will pay a few hundred dollars to qualified participants, but those are rare. If you even qualify for one of the paid surveys, the money you get is more like one dollar upward to twenty dollars extra pocket change for the most part.
An additional indicator of paid survey scams is an unprofessional website. You might find numerous misspelled words or poor grammar. Weird character symbols in odd places and broken hyperlinks also hint at the scam factor. Poor website navigation and lack of contact information can be added to the list. The same goes for the lack of security. With secure websites where you input personal information or make payments, you will likely see a little lock icon at the bottom of your screen. If it is missing, click that computer mouse the other direction.

There is some good news on the paid survey front. Quite a few legitimate websites exist where you can access directories filled with information about a variety of survey companies. There are no hidden fees or fine print which translates into a scam-free zone and no charge to access the information!

These legitimate paid survey directories also do not false advertise. They will not claim a full-time income like many of the scams online do these days. Rather, they are realistic and fully disclose that full-time income is very rare. These directories will further tell you (unlike the scam artists) that the more paid survey companies you sign up with, the more likely you will qualify to participate in one.

To recap, paid surveys are a fun way to earn a few extra dollars but it will never make a profound impact on your wallet. Scams are abundant, so keep in mind the factors listed above that can help you spot a fake. Above all, just remember that you should never, ever have to pay for information that you can get for free elsewhere.

Get Paid Cash Doing Internet Surveys - A Genuine Way to Make Extra Money Online

Do you have an opinion? Do you like sharing your experiences about products and services? Then internet surveys may be just the opportunity you seek to make extra money online. Anyone who cruises the World Wide Web has seen the advertisements. Get paid cash with internet surveys! Or, grab this genuine opportunity to make extra money online!

If you are a stay-at-home parent, retiree, student or anyone else who could use a bit of extra cash, you can benefit from doing internet surveys. But do you have any idea what it all entails? How do you know a genuine opportunity from a scam? In order to determine your best options, you have to know what these surveys are all about.

Why Companies Utilize Internet Surveys

Millions of corporate dollars every year is spent on market research. One of the ways these market research dollars are utilized is through surveys. These corporations offer many people on the internet a way to make extra money online by giving their opinions on anything from breakfast cereal to who buys all the electronics in the family. A survey is one of the ways that they evaluate products and services before releasing them to the general public.

What happens is this: these corporations pay market research entities to come up with various analyzes on a particular set of parameters. So how do you think these market research firms come up with all the data? By advertising through various websites that consumers can receive money for giving their opinion.

Rip-off or Genuine Way to Get Paid a Few Extra Bucks?

A legitimate website will never charge you a fee in order to participate in their surveys. You may have seen hundreds of banner ads touting that you can make extra money online, as much as hundreds of dollars in cash! Be very leery of these advertisements.

Most of those banner ads you click on will bring you to a slick looking website with gushing testimonials. What they don't tell is that those testimonials are not genuine. (The big hint that those testimonials are false is not using full names or just initials.) In addition, they charge you either a one-time or monthly subscription fee to access their database of survey companies. This website is not even the one who sends you the internet surveys!

Once you pay for accessing the database of survey companies, then you have to apply individually to each survey company. In other words, you are paying for the privilege of getting information that you can obtain for free! That's right! Many of those survey companies that have those "Get paid cash" claims in the banner ads are just out to rip you off. Not only that, a lot of times the companies on their list are no longer in existence or don't pay anything. Just remember that legitimate websites will never charge you for access to their list of internet survey companies. The ones providing the survey company information for free are genuine.

How does it all work?

When you find a free directory offering a variety of companies that promote internet surveys, the hardest part is taking the time to visit each survey website and filling out the online forms to become qualified. Please note however, that not every genuine survey company will advertise that you can get paid cash. Rather, some of them award points that can be redeemed at a later time for products. Or, you could be entered into cash drawings each month.

For each survey website you find, you will have to fill out online forms with various demographic information. The obvious information needed includes your age, race, relationship status, education and income. Some forms will also ask about your children, pets, purchase habits and hobbies. These questions serve to narrow down specific groups of people for case studies.

Periodically, you will be sent survey invitations via email, based on the demographic information you provide. There are two fail-safe ways to ensure you receive a greater return on the number of surveys you receive to participate in:

Fill out as much detail as possible on the sign-up forms. The more information you provide, the wider the pool of surveys you can qualify for.
Sign up for a lot of survey companies. Not every company will have a market research study going in which you qualify. Therefore, by signing up with a greater number of companies, you are increasing your chances of qualifying for something and possibly be paid for just a few minutes work.

The Reality of Internet Surveys

Your quest to make money online can take you many places. If you like the idea of shaping the decisions of corporations, then surveys are the right option for you. You can expect to be quizzed about your breakfast eating habits or where you buy your dog food. When do you plan to buy your next car? What will it be? Would you like to test a product before it hits the marketplace? These are all possible questions you might encounter. In addition, you might become privy to products before anyone else!

These surveys are a great way to make extra money online with minimal effort. Do not expect to earn a full time income however! This is a practically impossible endeavor. The most you can hope for is to get paid enough for some "mad money" each month. Many surveys take anywhere from five to thirty minutes and will net you maybe one to five dollars each. Very rarely will you be paid several hundred dollars cash for anything. That is all a bunch of hype perpetuated by those bogus survey companies.

Take your time and search for legitimate ways to get money for surveys. Ask around your favorite web forums or online bulletin boards. Someone in your circle of friends and acquaintances online can probably give you guidance. Be sure and avoid all of those places on the web which ask for a fee to access a database. Besides, think of all that spam email you might get from a bogus survey site! Yikes! There are genuine opportunities to make extra money online through internet surveys. You just have to proceed with caution.

Are Online Paid Surveys Really Worth the Time and Effort?

Yes, online surveys are definitely worth the effort. You can receive many benefits for participating in these surveys. Some of the benefits have to do with the fact that you get money for participating - we all love to have that extra cash in our pockets! Other incentives include prizes, entry into contests, and a host of various other benefits. There are many different places where you can participate in Internet surveys. Almost all of these survey companies will offer you something for your trouble.

When you participate, you are making your opinion count. Many companies out there are willing to pay you for what you have to say. There are a variety of topics available in online surveys, including ones that have to do with products and services. You can be paid for doing an online survey in cash, valuable merchandise, or entries into drawings where you can win up to $30,000.

With a variety of ways to be paid, you can't go wrong. You are saving money on items you receive by not having to pay for them. Surveys are a great way to get items that you wouldn't normally buy. Taking a survey usually requires very little time and effort, and you can find these surveys all over the Internet. You could even win trips to various places in the world by filling out simple surveys on the Internet. Some online survey companies will give you cash as well as prizes - sometimes up to $100.00 per survey.

Online paid surveys exist because it is a way to improve or create new products. Internet companies can get the surveys to you faster, without using a middle man. This gives you the opportunity to be the person who is paid for your opinion, quickly and easily. Many companies are willing to pay cash just to know what you think about something they are doing or creating. The money or prizes offered for these online surveys attract a lot of attention, so they know that they had better make them count. Many people are going to want to participate in surveys if they know that they will receive money or possibly win some big prizes. Getting something free is always great incentive!

Major companies want to know what you would say about certain areas of life, or certain products. These companies know they can get the information with the online Internet system. This is the fastest way to find out what people think. People like the fact that they can be paid or somehow compensated for their efforts, even. When companies market products or services before knowing the opinions of the consumers, products are more likely to fail. Providing a few free samples of a product or service can help companies find out what others think of it.

A check for fifty dollars can feel wonderful when it was money you made for very little effort. An online paid survey doesn't take up a lot of your time. Something so quick and easy is well worth the cash or free prizes you can get out of it. Online paid surveys help you to get those extra things in your life you didn't have before. The items you can receive are valuable - not cheap items you can find just anywhere.

Signing up for an online paid survey account is easy and usually free. In fact, if a company wants to charge you for signing up for their survey program, go elsewhere. Each place where you set up your account will tell you exactly what it is they offer. Each of the accounts have member agreements that specify what they pay and when they pay it. The agreement also indicates if you are paid cash or if you will get free items. Such things as entries into contests and free items are all a part of the deal. You will find in the membership agreement when and how to collect your money or merchandise.

Some online surveys even include being paid while you are on the Internet. No, you aren't answering questions on these types of surveys. Instead, you are offered cash and free prizes for participating in online activities. Things like playing games and just being paid to be on your computer are also closely related options to online paid surveys. They all work together hand in hand.

Whatever your niche is, you can find some extra ways to pass the time with online paid surveys. You can do whatever suits your fancy. You can get all the free cash and prizes that you want. It is up to you how hard you want to work at it. You just have to have the will and desire. A little bit of your time can go a long way. With all of the options that are out there, there is something for everyone. Even if you like playing online games, there is a way that you can be paid for it. Many people are interested in games.

Another online area that is closely related is online bingo. People win money daily with every game. Over the course of a week, bingo prizes can equal roughly two thousand dollars or more. This is a great way to get money, but this way also means investing some money too. Bingo is, after all, gambling. Either way, if you like to play bingo, and you want to play cheap with only seventy-five cents a game, you can become a participant. It's cheaper than going out to actually play regular bingo!

Get into all of the action and see what the hype is about. Sign up to participate in online paid surveys. You'll be rewarded with cash and free prizes! If that thought seems attractive to you, then get on the Internet and sign up for some of the free sites. Reading what they offer will help you decide if you want to participate or not. Some offers they have you may not be interested in. The good news is that there is something for everyone. From your niece to your grandmother, there are surveys for everyone.

Introduce yourself to the world of free cash and prizes. Take a survey today.

Getting Started in Paid Surveys

When a company is looking for direction on the tastes and preferences of consumers they often contract with a secondary firm that seeks to gauge buying habits and opinions regarding products and services useful to the surveyed consumer. This is where paid surveys enter into the equation.

Paid surveys are simply tools used by a company to advance their business directives. Because your opinion is valued, paid surveys can provide you with a multitude of rewards not limited to cash. Participants may be allowed to provide their survey online in exchange for products, discounts or to have their name submitted to a variety of paid surveys cash drawings.

A quick online search will show that there are a number of paid surveys websites; however paid surveys are intended to be of mutual benefit to both those who have commissioned the survey and those who participate. Sadly there are many sites that take advantage of the situation by seeking to have visitors pay a subscriber fee for information on paid surveys that can be obtained elsewhere at no cost.

While results may vary, some individuals have found that paid surveys have been instrumental in helping to either meet family obligations or provide enough added funds to purchase an item that's been a part of a wish list for a while.

If you've wanted to participate in paid surveys and thought it was too good to be true you may be right in some circumstances, but a reputable paid survey website can help steer you toward offers that provide the best opportunity for success.

If you have sought to participate in paid surveys in the past, but were never offered the opportunity to fill out one of the many paid surveys available, the answer might be found in the profile you submitted. Firms that are in charge of selecting individuals for paid surveys must be sure that they fit a certain profile for the required survey. By keeping an up-to-date profile the overall numbers of paid surveys that may be available to you are likely to increase.

Companies that provide paid surveys have a level of expectation if they are going to pay you for completing paid surveys. If you are not a good match they cannot pay you for your information. This is why keeping your profile and information up to date is imperative in the world of paid surveys.

With paid surveys there can never be promises or guarantees of financial return, however many have benefited from paid surveys programs. Much of the success of paid surveys has to do with how closely you follow the instructions provided. There is little tolerance for incomplete paid surveys. If this happens the respondent may be removed from consideration for future paid surveys.

As with any online program that pays you for providing a service, there will always be the potential for scams with paid surveys, however many of those providers are well noted and can be avoided using a reputable paid surveys portal website.

Hundreds of paid surveys are available. If you are able to connect with the right survey company you may find more paid surveys than you can complete. The primary suggestion that is given to those who are just beginning is to not give up. Paid surveys will likely be available, but this is not a get rich quick scheme and there will be work in making paid surveys something that you see more and more of.

A brief overview

1) Paid surveys assist companies in their marketing plans.
2) Paid surveys are available in fund payments, goods, discounts and cash drawings.
3) Fee-based access to paid surveys should never be needed. Many reputable sites provide this information at no cost.
4) Paid surveys can provide an income, but this cannot be guaranteed.
5) Participating in paid surveys often requires patience and perseverance.
6) Paid surveys are often obtained by keeping profile information updated.
7) Paid surveys should be filled out completely and not rushed through.
8) The concept of paid surveys can be subject to scam artists, be sure to check with reputable sources for surveys to avoid.
9) Hundreds of paid surveys are available.