
Monday, October 25, 2010

The Benefits of Electrical Thermal Imaging Surveys

Thermal imaging of electrical building services is possibly the most established application of thermography in the commercial sector. This article discusses the benefits of carrying out periodic thermal imaging surveys together with the points that should be considered when using a contractor to carry out the inspection.

What is an Electrical Thermal Imaging Survey?
A thermal imaging survey involves taking thermal images of electrical equipment including distribution fuse boards, contactors, switch boards, transformers, motors, battery banks, UPS's, control panels etc. With these thermal images it is possible to identify such faults as loose connections and over loaded circuits (the most common cause of electrical fires), transformer cooling faults, motor winding faults and induced currents. All this is being carried out whilst the equipment is in operation, causing no disruption to business operations.

Following the survey, a report will be produced which will identify equipment found to be displaying faults. For each fault, a diagnosis will be given together with recommendations on how to repair. Also the report will provide an evaluation of fault severity which will enable the client to plan any remedial work around their business activities, thereby reducing operational down time.

The Benefits

Unbeatable for electrical Fault finding
There is no other technology that is able to identify such electrical faults as safely and as quickly as a thermal imaging survey.

Totally Non-intrusive
A thermal imaging survey is non-intrusive, meaning no disruption to normal business operations.

Reduction in the cost of breakdowns.
As faults are found before they cause equipment to fail, the associated cost of repairs is minimal compared to the cost of equipment failure. Depending on the type of equipment and its location, the cost of electrical failure can run into many thousands of pounds in repairs, lost production, injury claims, etc.

Insurance Premium Reductions.
Increasingly, insurance companies are reducing their premiums to companies who undertake annual thermal imaging surveys. Some insurance companies are now insisting on a thermal imaging survey prior to providing cover.

Reduction in Risk Management Contingency Budgets.
Thermal Imaging surveys reduce the risk of equipment failure and the associated consequences, e.g. damage to other plant, equipment and property, injury to employees and public, operational downtime and damage to company reputation.

Points to consider when choosing a thermal imaging company
There are many thermal imaging companies operating in the UK. Some of which are better than others. If you are to maximise on the benefits discussed above, it is important to give consideration the points listed below when choosing a suitable thermal imaging company.

Suitably Qualified and Experienced
Check the company only employs thermographers who are electrically qualified and are trained and certified under a suitable thermography training scheme e.g. The British Institute of Non-destructive Testing (BINDT) operate the PCN training and certification scheme. Any report produced, must be authorised by a thermographer of at least PCN Level 2 Status.

Review Quality Example Reports
Most thermal imaging companies will have example reports on their websites. Have a look at these reports to get an idea of the level of service you are likely to receive. Reports should be clearly laid out and written in plain English. Technical jargon and unnecessary analysis measurements only serve to confuse the reader.

Check out what Thermal Imaging Camera Equipment they use
The cost of thermal imaging cameras have come down markedly over the last few years. This has brought about an increase in companies trying to provide thermal imaging surveys. The cost of commercial thermal imaging cameras can range from £1500 for cameras intended for basic applications, up to £40,000 for cameras that are intended to be used by thermography professionals. However, ask yourself this question, is the quality, accuracy and level of service likely to be affected by the quality of the equipment that is used? Most companies that are serious about thermography will use nothing less than the high end cameras. An example of a suitable camera for electrical surveys would be the Flir™ ThermaCAM P Series camera. It has the required temperature range, accuracy, sensitivity and resolution needed for all electrical applications.

Insurance, Method Statements and Risk Assessments
Thermal imaging carried out correctly is extremely safe. However, any activity involving electricity in an industrial environment will present risk. It is therefore important to ensure the company you use is suitably insured, can provide you with both method statements and risk assessments for the tasks to be carried out.

View the original article here

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